Illawarra Greens. Social justice, environmental sustainability, peace and non-violence and grassroots democracy.

Our vision

The Greens have a positive vision for the Illawarra: for a sustainable and fair society where we use the challenge of climate change to provide good jobs to people in our community.

Greens parties all over the world are guided by our four pillars. Our policies and practices are tested against these four basic principles. The four pillars are:

  • Environmental sustainability;
  • Social and economic justice;
  • Peace and non-violence;
  • Grassroots democracy.

The Illawarra Greens is local group, based in Wollongong. Generally we meet monthly at Fairy Meadow Community Centre.

Read about how we run our organisation.

We cover the Federal electorate of Cunningham and part of the Federal electorate of Whitlam.

At State Level, the Illawarra Greens cover the electorates of Wollongong, Keira, Shellharbour, and part of Heathcote.

We have three Greens councillors on Wollongong City Council, Jess Whittaker, Kit Docker, and Deidre Stuart, all elected in October 2024. 

Follow the Illawarra Greens on Facebook and Instagram

The constitution of the Illawarra Greens, the way we run our meetings, deal with policy and deal with conflict are here. There are also links to similar documents for Greens NSW and Australian Greens.

You can find out more about the history of the Illawarra Greens here.