Illawarra Greens. Social justice, environmental sustainability, peace and non-violence and grassroots democracy.

We need new skateparks


Skating at Port kemblaPort Kembla residents have taken matters into their own hands and improvised. Berkeley skatepark is a huge success but regularly at capacity and difficult to access by public transport. Dapto and Unanderra skateparks are in need of an upgrade. The northern suburbs and Wollongong have been desperate for skate facilities for decades. 

There is a huge growing interest in skateboarding and many talented skateboarders in the Illawarra have limited facilities to progress. Our city lacks diversity and quality in our options  for street skating and we don't have a closed bowl.
We call on Wollongong Council to:
1) Fast track allocated funding for Wollongong and Thirroul skateparks to commence planning and construction as soon as practicably possible and to include a closed bowl as a major feature in the design for Wollongong.
2) Allocate funding in 2021/2022 to revamp Dapto skatepark.
3) Start the process to build a permanent skate facility at Port Kembla in 2021/22, funded in partnership with Port Kembla Community Investment Fund.
4) Consider options to use street skating as a way of activating the Wollongong CBD, in appropriate locations. 
500 signatures

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