TAFE is a vital pathway for young people into the workforce. TAFE gives young people a rewarding job, good salary and secure career.
TAFE is an essential service for training and re-skilling local workers. TAFE provides businesses and industries with the skilled local workers essential to strengthening the Illawarra economy.
The NSW Liberal-National Government has ripped the guts out of TAFE. It’s slashed more than $1.6 billion from the sector, sacked more than 5,700 staff, and overseen the dramatic rise of course fees – which has prompted an exodus of more than 60,000 students. The latest Federal budget has slashed TAFE funding by 24%.
In Wollongong TAFE is an integral part of Council's Economic Development Strategy, yet 24 local TAFE jobs are threatened with the sack under the One TAFE restructure.
The NSW State Government must:
- Guarantee funding for Illawarra TAFE campuses;
- Guarantee no loss of jobs in the One TAFE restructure;
- Expand TAFE course offerings;
- Re-open Dapto TAFE.