Illawarra Greens. Social justice, environmental sustainability, peace and non-violence and grassroots democracy.

Greens announce lead candidates in Wollongong City Council Election

The Greens candidates for the council elections in September will be  Mithra Cox, in Ward 1,  Cath Blakey in Ward 2 and Jamie Dixon in Ward 3.

"Our vision for Wollongong is a city where everyone feels welcome, whose people are recognised as global leaders in sustainability, with a lifestyle that is the envy of the world."


Greens announce lead candidates for council elections

The Illawarra Greens have announced Mithra Cox, Cath Blakey and Jamie Dixon as their lead candidates for the council elections in September.

Cath Blakey, candidate for Ward 2, is a seasoned campaigner, having stood for The Greens in two contests last year. She lifted the Greens vote considerably in the southern suburbs of Wollongong around Port Kembla.

Mithra Cox, candidate for Ward 1, is a musician and environmentalist who has 15 years experience working in public administration including local government and the NSW Parliament. Ms Cox will also be the Greens Mayoral candidate.

Jamie Dixon has been selected as the lead candidate for Ward 3. Mr Dixon is an international alpaca shearer and is currently working overseas. He will return to Wollongong to join the Greens campaign in late July.

Our vision for Wollongong is a city where everyone feels welcome, where we are recognised as global leaders in sustainability, and where our lifestyle is the envy of the world," Ms Cox said today.

While Wollongong is a beautiful and diverse city, there's lots more we can do to make people feel welcome in public spaces.

As a musician myself, I know that council can do more to support a vibrant cultural scene - and sometimes that means getting out of the way. Busking should be encouraged, not regulated. Empty shopfronts should be made available for non-profit cultural activities.

It's basic common sense that kids should be able to walk to school. But at present, many streets in Wollongong don't even have footpaths, there are not enough safe road crossings, and there is not enough shade for the summer months," Ms Cox said.

Ms Blakey said "preparing our city for climate change is the most serious challenge of our lifetime."

As a city, we need to set targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Council must address the threat of more frequent and severe storms and flooding. Coastal erosion is a reality that we have to consider when we determine coastal development and protection.

Capturing the gasses released from the tip at Whytes Gully to use for energy is the kind of technology we need to invest in to reduce our carbon emissions.

Wollongong has a proud industrial past. It's time for us to look to the future and invest in the industries of tomorrow," Ms Blakey said.

The Greens candidates were elected at a democratic preselection meetings of Illawarra Greens members.