With the cash rate expected to rise this afternoon, many thousands of Australians will find it harder to enter the property Market. Greens Candidate for Cunningham Dylan Green said there is a simple way to make housing more affordable for all.
“The Greens have proposed a shared equity housing scheme where the homeowner or owners pay $300,000 and the Federal government pays the rest,” said Mr Green
“We are proposing that the Federal government builds these homes and makes them available for 125,000 families over the next 20 years.
“We expect the Reserve Bank to raise the cash rate later today, which will make it more difficult for some to pay their mortgage, and make it even harder for Australians trying to enter the housing market. The last few weeks have seen Labor and Liberal parties unveil their plans to get more Australians into homeownership. These plans are not sufficient.
“As a young person who is not in the housing market, the policies presented by the Labor and Liberal parties are insignificant when compared to the enormity of the problem.
“If elected to represent you in Cunningham, I will fight for a fair and equitable home ownership scheme that allows more Australians to begin their home ownership.
“The Greens will ensure that investors can only negative gear one property. This will help give young people and those seeking their first home a chance to enter the market, and slow the rate at which house prices increase.”
“The median house price in Wollongong is now over $1 million, so already there are only a few people who can afford to buy.
“If you want to get on the pathway to home ownership, then you want the Greens in the balance of power.
“Like all of the Greens’ policies, this scheme has been fully costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office and is paid for by increasing taxes on billionaires and massive corporations.”