Outgoing Councillor Cath Blakey put the ambitious motion to this month’s council meeting.
“We have an obligation to suspend trade and investments that support Israeli illegal settlements,” she said.
“This is an opportunity to reflect the community’s concerns about what is happening in Gaza, and ensure ratepayers’ money is being spent responsibly.
“This council has a track record of standing up for peace, and this is something we can do to improve the transparency of our financial dealings.”
Cr Blakey said other local governments, such as Canterbury-Bankstown Council, had conducted similar reviews.
Cr Mithra Cox defended the motion. She said ensuring the council purchased from ethical suppliers was a way for the organisation to support peace.
“Making sure our suppliers don’t profit from war is something we can do easily and can create real change,” she said.
Story by Zoe Cartwright in Region Illawarra, 22 August 2024.