Illawarra Greens. Social justice, environmental sustainability, peace and non-violence and grassroots democracy.

Wollongong to join Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate Action

Wollongong City Council has decided to commit to action on climate change at Monday night’s Council meeting.
Greens Councillor Jill Merrin said, “The Council decided to join the ‘Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy’ at Monday’s Council meeting. This is an international coalition of over 7,000 cities from over 120 countries, who have agreed to take action against climate change”.

Wollongong to Join Global Coalition for Climate Action

Wollongong City Council has decided to commit to action on climate change at Monday night’s Council meeting.
Greens Councillor Jill Merrin said, “The Council decided to join the ‘Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy’ at Monday’s Council meeting. This is an international coalition of over 7,000 cities from over 120 countries, who have agreed to take action against climate change”.
“Joining the coalition means Council has access to support to identify our current greenhouse gas emissions and develop strategies and actions to reduce those emissions.”
The Covenant provides a framework of four steps:
  • Register commitment
  • Complete an inventory
  • Create reduction targets and establish a measurement system
  • Establish an action plan to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change
Greens Councillor Merrin said, “Council has already started some projects to reduce our climate impact, and this is a way of making sure our work is the most effective it can be.
“We can use internationally accepted measures to report on progress. We can also work with other levels of government to reduce our impact on global climate, as well as adapt to climate change.”
It opens the way for Council to get involved in other intiatives, such as the ‘Climate Council City Power Partnership Program’, and the ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability network.
“This is a great way to finish the first term of Wollongong City Council after its sacking and period of administration. It shows that Council is casting off its bad past, and is facing the future in a positive way.”
The full Council motion can be read here: