Illawarra Greens. Social justice, environmental sustainability, peace and non-violence and grassroots democracy.

Independent makes a consolation call to missing Liberal Lord Mayoral rival

Deidre Stuart the Greens lead candidate for Ward 3 noted her party will appear on top of the ballot part for each of the three wards.

"From what I've read over the years, being in the first position rather than in the last position does make a difference in terms of people who vote in order that the names appear," Ms Stuart said. "So, from the Greens perspective, that's fortunate from what I understand, but that's not something I've been spending a lot of time studying.

"I've been more focused on what Wollongong needs, what people need and they definitely need a safe climate and they need safe housing."

She said she wasn't sure how the voting patterns would go without the Liberals in the race. "I feel very uncertain how it's going to pan out because I don't know how people who voted Liberal are going to vote," she said.

"I'm certainly concerned. I do not want a Labor majority council. I think it's better if there's diversity on council and no one group has their own way. So there has to be discussion and engagement with ideas to try and get the best outcomes."


Story by Glen Humphries in the Illawarra Mercury, 15 August 2024.