Illawarra Greens. Social justice, environmental sustainability, peace and non-violence and grassroots democracy.

Greens welcome green hydrogen investment


Wednesday 13th  October 2020

Greens Councillor Mithra Cox has welcomed today’s announcement from the NSW Government of $3 billion to subsidise a green hydrogen industry in NSW, including the Illawarra. 

“Green hydrogen is a key part of the pathway to net zero emissions, because it is a way of storing renewable energy,” Cr Cox said. 

“Of course, it must be made from renewable energy or it is pointless, which is why I have a motion to the next council meeting about facilitating offshore wind farms off the Illawarra coastline.

“The green hydrogen industry is particularly important to Wollongong, as it means that we could decarbonise steel production - and it also means a wealth of new jobs and industries. 

“Wollongong has always been an industrial city, based on coal mining, steel making and manufacturing. We want to remain an industrial city - but using the technologies of the 21st century and ensuring that our future is sustainable,” Cr Cox said. 

More information: Cr Mithra Cox 0424 351 844