Illawarra Greens. Social justice, environmental sustainability, peace and non-violence and grassroots democracy.

Greens put Empty Home Levy on the Table for Wollongong Council


Greens put Empty Home Levy on the table for Wollongong Council

Monday 4 March 2019
What: Greens put Empty Home Levy on the table for Wollongong Council 
(notice of motion below)
When: 12noon, Monday 3 March 2019
Where: Corner of Cliff Road and  Georges Place, Wollongong

Wollongong Greens Councillor Cath Blakey said,

"On Monday week, I have a motion before Wollongong Council calling for an Empty Home Levy. It has succeeded in the UK and has been introduced in Victoria. It is time for NSW to step up and address this obscene inequality in housing".

Kaye Osborn, Greens candidate for Keira said,  
“Every day across New South Wales there are thousands of homes sitting empty. Meanwhile there are thousands of people who can’t find affordable housing or can’t find a home at all.   We need an Empty Home Levy so we can have better housing for a better future for all of us.”
Jamie Dixon, Greens candidate for Shellharbour said:  "There is no housing shortage. Six thousand homes are sitting empty in Wollongong.  Let’s encourage owners to make their properties available to rent rather than leaving them empty. "
Ben Arcioni, Greens candidate for Wollongong said, 
“I know how hard it is for young people to find affordable rental accommodation.  Houses are sitting empty that could be homes.”