Illawarra Greens. Social justice, environmental sustainability, peace and non-violence and grassroots democracy.

Councillor Kit Docker Ward 2

Kit Docker, candidate for Ward 2

I’m proud to be elected the Greens Councillor for Ward 2. 

As a Councillor I will talk with and listen to the community so together we can meet some big challenges coming our way–such as protecting our unique city from changes in our climate, making sure our villages are resilient, expanding the Green Bus and ensuring that our Councils housing policy is affordable and driven by community needs.  

The potential of our city is endless, and the Greens have a plan to realise this potential and make our community a better place to live for all of us. 

The Greens are not powered by donations from large businesses or industry. We’re powered by people like you and me. These are people who care about their community, their neighbourhood and want to see thriving communities and plenty of fun stuff, such as art galleries, music venues and sporting events.

We also want to see a council which is ambitious when it comes to social and affordable housing throughout our city. More of our communities are shaded by great street trees. 

I look forward to talking with you and listening to your ideas and thoughts during the term of Council. 

A little bit about Kit

Hi, I'm Kit, and I’ve lived in Wollongong for the past 10 years. I’ve worked in the finance industry and now love working in the disability sector. Wollongong is my home and I hope to call it home for the foreseeable future. 

I attended Kiama High School and graduated from the University of Wollongong with a major in International Economics in 2016. After leaving University, I secured a position with the IMB Bank where I worked in leadership positions including as a branch manager. Since leaving finance, I have dedicated much of my time to working with people living with disability, charity work with local organisations and grassroots democracy. 

I have the privilege of following in the footsteps of Councillor Cath Blakey who has consistently shown that a Greens councillor can deliver significant positive results for the community, such as FOGO and Verge Gardens. 

It’s disappointing that the majority of our Council seem more concerned about the interests of developers who are interested in building apartments as quickly as they can and without the interests of the community in mind. This is making shelter more unaffordable for everyday people, and especially vulnerable communities. I know that, I’m a renter.  

Our two Greens Councillors have a proven track record of making decisions for the community, working for sustainable villages as well as ensuring that we create places that our families and friends can enjoy. 

As a new Greens Councillor I will work for and support:  

  • Community led sustainable development and affordable housing. 
  • Protecting our unique environment from the coast to the escarpment. 
  • Climate proofing our neighbourhoods by creating a green leafy and cool city
  • A city with world class active and public transport solutions. 
  • A city with world class artists and great local venues. 

If elected, I will work for more environmentally friendly and liveable villages in our city.

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