The Greens Lord Mayoral Candidate for Wollongong, Mithra Cox today unveiled a plan to establish a $400,000 fund for interest free loans to be made available for people on low incomes to buy rooftop solar.
Greens announce $400k solar fund for low income households
The Greens Lord Mayoral Candidate for Wollongong, Mithra Cox today unveiled a plan to establish a $400,000 fund for interest free loans to be made available for people on low incomes to buy rooftop solar.
"With energy prices rising sharply, people are hurting. Many people on low incomes can't afford to heat their homes in the winter, and are cutting back on essentials just to pay their electricity bills," Mithra Cox, Greens Mayoral candidate for Wollongong said today.
"Interest free loans would enable people on low incomes to slash their energy bills, and repay the loan to council at a predictable and affordable amount.
"The $400,000 required to set up the solar fund would be paid for by Council recouping $400,000 that is owed by Wollongong Coal in unpaid security bonds going back to 1991.
"Council has not been proactive in seeking Wollongong Coal to pay their debts to council. If any other ratepayer had debts dating back to 1991, the debt collectors would be knocking on the front door. Council should treat Wollongong Coal just like any otehr ratepayer and insist they pay the money that is owed," Ms Cox said.
- It will be eligible to low income people with a health care card
- Renters will be eligible with the consent and agreement of the landlord
- Loans will be interest free and administered by Wollongong Council
- Council will own the solar panels until the loan is repaid in full
- It will be a rolling fund: all loan repayments will go back into the fund and made available to new borrowers
- There will be no upfront cost to borrowers
- The $400,000 loan will be funded by money owed to Wollongong Council by Wollongong Coal for security bonds on thier Russel Vale mine.