Media Release: 11 December 2017
Students and the local community, with the support of the Greens NSW, will rally at the University of Wollongong to demand Chloe Rafferty be declared the democratically elected president of Wollongong University's Student Association. To date the University administration has blocked Ms Rafferty from taking up her rightful position.
Greens NSW MP David Shoebridge, Student leaders from other campuses and Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon will be attending the rally with Chloe Rafferty and supporters at 1pm on the 18th of December to call for the University to accept the results of the student union elections.
Greens NSW MP David Shoebridge said:
“Chloe Rafferty was supported by a clear majority vote of members to be President of the University of Wollongong Student Association. It’s well past time she was allowed to take up the role.
“Chloe has been blocked from taking up that position by a deeply undemocratic decision that looks legally questionable.
“We are seeking urgent legal advice on the legality of the decision to disqualify Chloe and we will continue to stand with her until she takes up the position of President.
“Democratic organising amongst students keeps our learning institutions lively and accountable.
“Students have a democratic right to elect people to positions of influence at their universities and not have those elections squashed for undemocratic reasons.
“The University of Wollongong has played some pretty dirty tactics to date in excluding Chloe and we are sure the community will turn out to support her at the rally,” Mr Shoebridge said.
Chloe Rafferty said:
“Vice Chancellor Wellings wants student activists to shut up about the University’s $21,000 donation to the Liberals, his refusal to fly the rainbow flag & the appalling rates of staff casualization on campus.
“But we're not going to shut up, we're going fight for student democracy at UOW,” Ms Rafferty said.
Media Contact : David Shoebridge 9230 3030 / 0408 113 952 Chloe Rafferty 0435 951 585