Illawarra Greens. Social justice, environmental sustainability, peace and non-violence and grassroots democracy.

Petition - Save #PKDIY skatepark

Wollongong Council have indicated they plan to remove the community built Port Kembla DIY skatepark very soon.

We the undersigned request a review of the decision to remove PKDIY skatepark. Port Kembla needs a skatepark.

Sign the petition and spread the word.

Skater wearing PKDIY shirt in front of people building the DIY skatepark.

The Port Kembla Community have worked with Wollongong council since the PKDIY skatepark evolved over the pandemic to make it a safe and inclusive space. Council put up a sign for us over the summer holidays 21/22 saying “Port Kembla Skatepark”, which all celebrated. We worked together to help our kids through a traumatic, isolating few years by giving them an active playspace.

The community members who worked with Council have had no issues reported to us about noise or anti-social behaviour. The skatepark has been kept tidy by young people and families. It is rarely, if ever, used after dark. There was extensive consultation done in the King George V Masterplan that identified this as the preferred site for a skatepark.

This skatepark has filled the gap in our community from years of neglect by State Government and Wollongong City Council. Port Kembla community members have asked for a skatepark for over 20 years, and instead government bureaucrats and local politicians allowed successive rounds of the Port Kembla Community Investment Fund, a $100 million dollar community fund, to be squandered on church hall renovations and corporate handouts for projects that should not be funded by the community who live with heavy industry, pollution and legacy contamination on their doorstep.

We are calling on Wollongong City Council to find a better solution than destroying the good work of the Port Kembla community. We will not stand for more empty promises of revitalisation in this town.


Sign the petition and follow @PORT_KEMBLA_SKATEBOARDERS for more updates #SAVEPKDIY #pkdiy


You can also send a letter to Wollongong City Councillors. Tell them about yourself, why you love skateboarding, and why we need a skate facility in Port Kembla. Send a photo with your skateboard. Be polite and respectful.

Copy/paste these email addresses:

[email protected]

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We the undersigned request a review of the decision to remove PKDIY skatepark. Port Kembla needs a skatepark.

1,260 signatures

Will you sign?