![Slow down: Areas of high pedestrian activity - like this one in Gywnneville - could be under consideration to become 30km/h zones. Picture: Robert Peet Slow down: Areas of high pedestrian activity - like this one in Gywnneville - could be under consideration to become 30km/h zones. Picture: Robert Peet](https://nnimgt-a.akamaihd.net/transform/v1/crop/frm/4FavSveeQdYEHssZq5umRQ/28464bd4-1422-4490-abc4-e9a4c03e6091.jpg/r0_0_5184_3256_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg)
Some 30km/h speed zones could be about to pop up in Wollongong.
The zones - which are sure to spark controversy - have been part of discussions between Transport for NSW and Wollongong City Council.
"Transport for NSW is working with Wollongong City Council to identify appropriate safety improvements in areas of high pedestrian activity in the Wollongong Local Government Area, including a possible trial of a 30km/h speed zone," a Transport for NSW spokesman said.
The spokesman did not say whether any roads had been earmarked for 30km/h zones but said it could mean those areas would need to be upgraded.
"While Transport for NSW supports the reduction of posted speed limits in locations with high pedestrian activity, the road network as a whole must be considered," the spokesman said.
"Traffic calming to support the reduction of travel speeds and enhance pedestrian safety, such as speed bumps and road narrowing, should also be considered as part of any trial 30km/h speed zones."
The news comes as Wollongong City councillor Mithra Cox wants to get council to consider lowering the 40km/h speed limit around schools to 30km/h.
Cr Cox said her preference was to start around schools with a view to creating a pedestrian-friendly city.